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Metoda Surveys  Dr. Galit Sinai Karmona

Methodological Advisory Employee & Customer Surveys

Metoda is a boutique survey company specializing in organizational surveys - employee surveys and customer surveys. Metoda's surveys allow organizations to assess attitudes and behavior patterns within and outside the organization, and understand the social dynamics in which it operates.

Metoda’s surveys help organizations identify the strengths and weaknesses of the relationships between the organization and its employees and customers; between the employees and managers; and among the employees themselves. Metoda's surveys reveal the overall mood within the organization; indicate the level of engagement in the organization among employees and customers; and serve as an empirical basis for the implementation of processes, work plans and organizational culture.


Metoda’s work method balances between organizational needs and methodology, with a deep understanding of the methodological challenges and effective action to avoid potential survey errors. Each organization is given a customized methodological solution, based on the organization's specific needs and characteristics.


Metoda’s methodological services include: phrasing customized questionnaires, designing online (web-based) questionnaires, statistical analysis, setting organizational indicators, creating executive summary presentations, providing methodological consulting and guidance.

Metoda is managed by Dr. Galit Sinai Karmona (Ph.D) Survey Methodologist and Sociologist, with a PhD from Tel Aviv University. Specializing in planning and conducting surveys, employee and customer surveys, phrasing questionnaires, designing online surveys, conducting comparative research and designing survey platforms. 

Methodological consultant for organizations, lecturing at academic institutions on the topic of surveys, and chairwoman of the Research Methods Community of the Israeli Sociological Society.


Since 2000, I’ve been conducting organizational surveys, studying and researching the field of survey methodology. My research approach stems from the quantitative world, relying on the assumption that any examination of the attitudes and behaviors of social groups must be based primarily on quantitative data collection and statistical analysis of the entire research population (all company employees, all managers, all customers) or of statistical samples. My work method is guided by three principles: being attentive to the client and striking a balance between the methodology and the organization's requirements, needs and characteristics; conducting customized surveys and providing methodological solution tailored to the organization; and creating user-friendly research tools (questionnaires, data collection methods, executive summary presentations) while reducing potential survey errors.

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In 2009, I completed my PhD at Tel Aviv University. As part of my doctoral dissertation, I examined the issue of refusal in surveys, as part of the Total Survey Error. I examined who refuse to participate in surveys, the reasons for refusal, and how this trend and its impact on the survey estimates can be reduced. As part of the study, I developed a theoretical model that presents the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on the refusal to participate in surveys. The review of the model was based on a multivariate statistical analysis (Hierarchical Linear Model). A copy of the research can be found in the Social Sciences Library at Tel Aviv University.


In 2004, I completed my MA studies at Tel Aviv University. As part of my thesis, I examined the reliability and validity of the method of online surveys, through parallel research. For the purpose of this study I designed an online survey system (GSS). A copy of the research can be found in the Social Sciences Library at Tel Aviv University.


While writing my doctorate, I founded Metoda - a boutique surveys company that specializes in organizational surveys, employee surveys and customer surveys. Metoda's surveys apply theoretical methodological knowledge along with research practices. Each organization receives a customized methodological solution, based on the research question, the needs of the organization and its unique characteristics. The surveys employ in-depth theoretical knowledge, understanding and experience in conducting organizational surveys and dealing correctly with the methodological challenges therein.

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